Menarini Fair Play

July 3rd & 4th 2024


This year, Once Extraordinary Events is the coordinating agency of the 28th Menarini International Fair Play Award. The event was held to honor prominent international sports champions who, throughout their careers, have upheld and been representative role models of Fair Play values, both in sports and in daily life.

Fair Play values include ethics, fairness and respect. The mission: “Athletes and Menarini Fair Play Ambassadors have a responsibility that goes beyond simply honoring the team or nation they represent: they must embody the spirit of fair play as the foundation of every sport.”

Among the 2024 honorees were many names of athletes whose feats have contributed to the greatness of multiple sports, including-but not limited to-Paralympic swimming, basketball, soccer, coaches and journalists. This year, for the 2024 edition, the Menarini Fair Play Foundation honored Ambra Sabatini, Marco Belinelli, Samuel Eto’o, Federico Buffa, Fabio Cannavaro, Ciro Ferrara, and Cesare Prandelli.

During this important event, a gala dinner was held at Piazzale Michelangelo followed by the awards ceremony hosted in the prestigious Roman Theater of Fiesole.

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